Plush Game Controller

I absolutely love video games so I decided to try out the plush game controller designed by Adafruit Industries. I went along with most of the instructions provided but decided to change a couple! Having a laser cutter sitting right next to me, I thought laser…material…let’s make this go faster! Laser cutting the black material worked and made for really nice lines! Who doesn’t like playing with lasers too? To make the black cover more secure, I sewed around the entire piece. Tisk, tisk, I didn’t use a hoop to complete the stitch from the conductive pads to the Flora. It still works!

This project was really fun to complete and plan on making another set but smaller. If sewing isn’t something you like, getting into wearables might be what gets you to start to like it. It definitely is not like sewing in high school (back how many years ago – HA!).

Here is a link with all of the instructions on how to complete your very own plush game controller. The one thing I did not enjoy was how annoying the conductive thread gets…twist, twist, twist! Have fun making your very own controller! Let us know what changes you made!